Friday, March 11, 2016

Moment of comeback

            Humans, as long as they live they will face many kinds of events, whether it’s good or bad, a progress or a regress . Just like yin and yang, this world where we live has balance in all things. I want to tell you the moment when I made a  “comeback” from my sorrow and rose up to be a “better me”.
            When i was an elementary student, most of my friends were friendly and very cheerful, yet sometimes they were annoying , they like to mock if i do something wrong or got a bad score. Usually the way they mock was like repeating my name and keep saying my score with monotone voices. Because I was still a kid, sometimes I cried and told my mom about it, but my mom always told me : “if you do the same thing like them,you are not better than them.” That sentence always came up in my mind everytime I want to hit and punch the mockers. “Mockers and bully, why do they even exist?” i asked this question to myself.
            It said that life as a junior highschool student is usually full with delight and happiness. I think that rule was inappropriate for me. At first,nothing bad happened on my first year in junior highschool but then, on my second year on junior highschool. That misery started and surprisingly the guy who was the bully’s boss is my “best friend”. Let me tell you about what happened before this guy became my first enemy on school.
            Am I allowed to put his full name on this post? I don’t really care though if he reads this , His nickname is Thody, our first meeting was when I was on 5th grade on elementary school, he played basketball a lot with me, almost every afternoon until evening. He was a really an interesting person, he taught me about sports and how to use social media, as I remember he made me account for Facebook and Yahoo. I had a good relationship with his family too.I know his family background, his father is from Medan and his father’s clan is Batak, and his mother is from Manado , and his mother's clan is Minahasa . Nothing bad happened at first, since he was a really good person, but I felt something that made me uncomfortable. He always copied my homework, he talked dirty words almost everytime (except in front of his parents of course~) , he also asked the answers on every exam. He said its for the feedback for his kindness. So he did the whole thing for purpose.
            As soon as I rejected his question of exam’s answer, his behavior turned 180 degress on me ONLY. He bullied me all the time since that day, he also invited his gank to bully me, so he wasn’t alone. They liked to write my name on the whiteboard then put a dirty word in the end of my name and mock my friend’s name which i had crush to and they match me with the girl I don’t like. And of course, they were being racist too.
            I was on the lowest and deepest sorrow of my life, nobody cared about me even my close friends, since they were being threatened by the bully. If my friends help me, they would beat me up when the class was over and spread rumor that i did bad things like fighting each other (juvenile delinquency)  and told everyone that i had dropped out from school.Well, I was almost tired to handle their bully. My family never stop to supported me and gave me advices.
             It was the day of National Exam, that was the final showdown for me to prove them. I don’t need parasite kind of friends like them. Yeah, God is not dead he is surely alive. I got the highest score in my class and beat all the bullies who thought i was lazy and idiot. Some of them moved to other school, since they didn’t pass the exam and some of them were put on different class. I was glad that i can overcome this problem and since that time i became more carefull to make friends. In the future, i know that i can’t avoid this kind of people, but i know how to handle them now. Haters gonna hate and their bully doesn’t make me down but make me become a better person.


  1. it's good story
    I think i take deep value from your story

  2. such a good story jeremy. The story has a good flow to. I enjoy read your story and also get a moral value from it. Sometime people don't realised what have they done to us. But we have to come up and ignore them. btw, have you forgive your friend??

  3. Great story, Jeremy. It can motivate other person. Your writing is quite good Jeremy. I say that because I feel you can speak English well. Not only write, but also speak. You just need to be concerned about capitalization. Yes, I think just that you need to pay more attention.

  4. I feel the pain bro. And I like the way you stab their backs though.. Your writing is obviously good and it flows pretty well as a river! And I like the way you analogize your terms such as: rise up >> rose up. Just some little minors: be concerned about capitalizations

  5. I've suffered the same experience like you, Jer. However, I think we should not hear about what they say because we live by our own decision, right? Do not let them annoy you but prove yourself that they are nothing.

    PS: Great writing but prevent contraction and watch your capitalizations in the future! Keep it up, Jer!
